Garcia v. Wolf
The case
On April 15th, 2020, ImmDef's Litigation and Advocacy team filed a COVID-19 habeas petition for the release of our medically vulnerable client who has been imprisoned since 2019.
Our client, Johmmy, is at risk of contracting a severe COVID-19 infection due to his asthma, hypertension, and pre-diabetic conditions. We demanded that ICE release him immediately so that he can take proper precautions against COVID-19.
COVID-19 is ravaging the nation’s jails and immigration detention facilities. Many detained people are at particular peril because they suffer from multiple aliments that elevate their risk of contracting a severe COVID-19 infection.
As of 9/13/22, at least 26,961 people in ICE detention tested positive with COVID-19, and ICE has not reporting cases of infections among its contractor's employees.
The CDC has warned that people with these conditions should stay at home and away from other people as much as possible. It is impossible for people in immigration detention to follow these guidelines while in ICE custody where they continue to be grouped in pods of 80-100 people each, and into cells of 5-8 people each. ICE is aware of all of these conditions yet refuses to release it medically vulnerable population on medically necessary humanitarian parole. ImmDef is demanding their release!
Case documents
April 15, 2020: ImmDef Files Habeas Petition on Behalf of Johmmy Garcia.